Parto Ertebat Saba



Venus Pioneer is an application that aggregates information from Atlas, Capella and Venus Netsens, a

  • : Conducts video streaming performance analysis
  • : Monitors and controls QoE and QoS (continuously and remotely)
  • : Supports network drive test without human supervision and there is no need for the driver’s interaction
  • : Shows frequency coverage for all technologies
  • : Displays signal strength and quality for different scenarios in test paths
  • : Generates offline processing and geographic data
  • : Is installable on any vehicle or chassis directly
  • : Provides appropriate maps for viewing information based on geographic location
  • : Finds no coverage area
Venus Pioneer is an application that aggregates information from Atlas, Capella and Venus Netsens, and it can generate and provide various reports and analyses.
This system provides accurate evaluation of test routes, locations, network performance and subscriber experience using moving or installed sensors without expert presence. In fact, the system is mounted on a set of sensors in either fixed or moving modes, allowing the operator to monitor the service quality continuously and automatically. In many cases, real-time analytics can be more effective than hours of driving and testing. If the system can detect the location and the crash cause, there is no need to continue gathering information and spending time and money.


• Supports network drive test without human supervision and there is no need for the driver’s interaction
• Shows frequency coverage for all technologies
• Monitors and controls QoE and QoS (continuously and remotely)
• Finds no coverage area
• Conducts video streaming performance analysis
• Provides appropriate maps for viewing information based on geographic location
• Generates offline processing and geographic data
• Is installable on any vehicle or chassis directly
• Displays signal strength and quality for different scenarios in test paths

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Parto Ertebat Saba
  • phone: 02144215738
  • fax: 02142215737
  • postal code: 1463713481
  • email:

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No.2 , Alvand 7th , shahid Ebarhimi st , Marzdaran , Tehran